V.Cinzia Chiavetta Wildlife ART

V. Cinzia Chiavetta
She was born in Catania and her respect and passion for animals and art was born and grew with her.
From an early age she stood out for the prizes and competitions she won in the artistic field. After his artistic maturity at the Catania State Art Institute, graphic arts, advertising and cinematography section, he attended the faculty of biology but after two years he fulfilled one of his dreams by attending the faculty of natural sciences. In 2000 he obtained the professional qualification certificate "Naturalistic Promotion Expert" from the Italian Federation of Agricultural Experts.
At the same time he completed experiences related to naturalistic illustration and in 2003 he published his works in "Naturalistic Itineraries" for the Provincial Tourism company of Catania. Subsequently in 2007 "A park fit for children" was published in the quarterly bulletin of the Etna Park Authority and in the same year he moved to Rome where he participated in several collective exhibitions. He took part in the 2012 edition of "Disegna la Natura" (national competition promoted by the environmental culture magazine Oasis), arriving as a finalist and publishing his two works in the magazine of the same name. Subsequently, in 2013 he participated in the national competition "Illustra la Natura" II edition, placing first in the Mammalia section.
In 2020 he received the Palermo Artexpo Creativity Award.
In 2022 he won the NFT prize at the Biancoscuro Art contest.
2024 as a member of AIPAN, the Italian association for naturalistic art, he participates in the “Natura di Notte” exhibition at the Giacomo Doria civic museum of natural history in Genoa.
He has always supported and actively collaborated for the protection of nature and animals, trying to express the love and profound respect he has for them through drawing.
His works are made in pastel or colored pencils, sometimes in graphite or watercolour, becoming passionate and losing himself in the lines that reproduce textures and textures that nature itself has created.